
22 Data, Science, Developer Jobs und Praktika

Hier finden Sie 22 Jobs und Praktika zu Data, Science, Developer. Fügen Sie passende Data, Science, Developer Jobs und Praktika zu Ihrer Merkliste hinzu. Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit, sich auf alle gemerkten Jobs und Praktika gleichzeitig zu bewerben. Es werden die relevantesten Anzeigen im Bezug auf Ihre Suchbegriffe Data, Science, Developer zuerst gezeigt.

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Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
30 Urlaubstage
🇩🇪 B1/B2
🇬🇧 B1/B2
The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. Our scientific focus is on computer science and electrical engineering - but it is also important to us to ...
funding interdisciplinary social sciences computer sciences Electrical Engineering IoT doctorate Science Communication
vor 7 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
30 Urlaubstage
🇬🇧 B1/B2
The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. At the earliest possible date, we are looking for a   Deputy Group Leader “Wireless Connectivity” (m/f/d)  ...
IoT Deputy group leader 5G 6G Wireless Wireless Communication Electrical Engineering Engineering Supervision Science Communication
vor 7 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
Fortgeschritten Senior
🇬🇧 C1
The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. At the earliest possible date, we are looking for an outstanding candidate for the position of   Research G...
Electrical Engineering Physik Wireless IoT Connectivity 5G 6G postdoctoral experiences Group leader
vor 7 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
30 Urlaubstage
🇩🇪 A1/A2
🇬🇧 B1/B2
The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. At the earliest possible date, we are looking for a   Associate Group Leader “Secure and Privacy-Respecting...
Electrical Engineering Computer Science creativity open mindset computer Electrical Engineering Science it-systems data processing
vor 3 Tagen
🇬🇧 C1
The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods.   The RF Design Enablement group researches and develops dependable IoT systems with focus on three key res...
RF Radio Frequency Electrical Engineering computer sciences Student Assistant IoT Simulation
vor 4 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
🇩🇪 A1/A2
🇬🇧 B1/B2
The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods.   The wireless connectivity and sensing group aims to contribute towards a dependable Internet-of-Things for...
Software Wireless Connectivity IoT computer sciences Electrical Engineering Python Student Assistant
vor 7 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
🇬🇧 B1/B2
The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. The RF Design Enablement group researches and develops dependable IoT systems with focus on three key resea...
RF Measurement Testbed Development electrical/electronic engineering Elektrotechnik IoT systems IoT
vor 8 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
🇩🇪 A1/A2
🇬🇧 B1/B2
The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. The RF Design Enablement group researches and develops dependable IoT systems with focus on three key resea...
antenna measurement Radar applications Python Electronic Engineering
vor 11 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
🇬🇧 C1
The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. The research group “Scalable Computing Hardware” is developing a trustworthy Hardware-Operating System codes...
Electrical Engineering Computer Engineering C++ IoT Chisel Python Rust Processor Design
vor 3 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
🇩🇪 A1/A2
🇬🇧 B1/B2
The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. The RF Design Enablement group researches and develops dependable IoT systems with focus on three key resea...
electrical/electronic engineering Python IoT
vor 11 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
🇬🇧 C1
The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. At the earliest possible date we are looking for a Group Leader “Scalable Computing Hardware” (m/f/d)   Your...
IoT 5G Scalable Computing Hardware Hardware design processor architectures embedded programming 3rd party funds project management scientific leadership
vor 9 Tagen
30 Urlaubstage
🇬🇧 C1
The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. The group Scalable Computing Hardware is developing a secure and dependable multiprocessor system-on-chip (...
IoT Hardware C/C++ Python Verilog Electrical Engineering Computer Engineering Software programming publications
vor 14 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
🇬🇧 B1/B2
The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. The RF Design Enablement group researches and develops dependable IoT systems with focus on three key resea...
electrical/electronic engineering RF circuit design CMOS/FDSOI IoT systems
vor 8 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
🇩🇪 B1/B2
🇬🇧 B1/B2
The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods.   The Connected Robotics Lab merges the results of our research and strives to build compelling demos and v...
Electrical Engineering Software Development robotics Software Engineering digital signal processing C++ Python linux BI IoT
vor 7 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
30 Urlaubstage
🇬🇧 C1
The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. The RF Design Enablement group researches and develops dependable IoT systems with focus on three key resear...
IoT 5G Circuit Systems Radio Frequency RF Software Electrical Engineering Electronic Engineering EDA 6G
vor 15 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
30 Urlaubstage
🇩🇪 B1/B2
🇬🇧 B1/B2
The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. The RF Design Enablement group researches and develops dependable IoT systems with focus on three key resear...
IoT 5G Circuit Systems Radio Frequency RF Software Electrical Engineering Electronic Engineering EDA 6G
vor 15 Tagen
Studienziel Der Bachelorstudiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen verbindet gleichermaßen wirtschaftswissenschaftliche und technische Fachkompetenzen im praxisbezogenen Kontext. Die Vermittlung berufsqualifizierender Kenntnisse befähigt zur Übernahme anspruchsvoller Tätigkeiten in allen Wirtschaftsbereichen. Absolvierende sind als Wirtschaftsingenieure in der Lage durch Ihre vielseitigen Kompeten...
Technik Management Medien Informatik Studium
vor 3 Tagen
Dresden und Ingolstadt
Unser gemeinsames Projekt Autonomes Fahren, Digitalisierung und Vernetzung sind die Treiber für Innovationen im Fahrzeug. Die Absicherung moderner Fahrzeugfunktionen steht aktuell vor der Herausforderung, die dabei entstehenden Datenmengen zu bewältigen. In unserem agilen, interdisziplinären Team erweitern und entwickeln wir kundenspezifische Lösungen mit dem Fokus auf d...
MINT Dresden Ingolstadt big data Software Engineering Data Analytics Softwareentwicklung Cloud Python Data Science
vor 9 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
Die mit den Megatrends Industrie 4.0 und IoT in den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau einziehende Digitalisierung stellt Unternehmen vor neue Herausforderungen im Umgang mit modernen Anlagensteuerungen, vernetzten Daten, Cloud-basierten Softwareplattformen und standardisierten Schnittstellen. Gemeinsam mit Dir und mit Unterstützung unserer Teams in Dresden, wollen wir ein neues Team in Jena aufbauen. E...
Developer C# Software Entwickler IoT Automatisierung Programmierung Code .NET Industrie 4.0
Mehr als 30 Tage
🇩🇪 B1/B2
Ausbildungsziele Das Studienziel ist der "Master of Science" (M.Sc.) für Lasertechnik. Aufbauend auf naturwissenschaftlichen sowie technischen Grundlagen erweitern und vertiefen Sie Ihre vorhandenen Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in folgenden Bereichen: Physik (Laser-Materie-Wechselwirkung, Festkörperphysik, Quantenmechanik etc.) Lasergerätetechnik und Lasertechnologien Design und Simulation opti...
Physik Technik Laser Studiengang Master Lasertechnik
vor 2 Tagen
Die zukünftige Energieversorgung und Produktivitätssteigerungen durch Automatisierung sind Schlüsselfragen mit hoher gesellschaftlicher Relevanz. Dieser Studiengang soll künftige Ingenieure durch eine forschungsorientierte Ausbildung auf universitärem Niveau dazu befähigen, zur Lösung dieser Probleme in Forschung und Entwicklung beizutragen. Der Studiengang mit dem Universitätsabschluss Master ...
Elektrotechnik Energiesystem Automatisierungssystem Master TU Chemnitz Homeoffice
vor 2 Tagen
Interessierte können sich an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft in Dresden für den Studiengang Elektrotechnik/ Electrical Engineering (Master) zum nächsten Wintersemester bewerben. Aufbauend auf Bachelor oder Diplom werden Inhalte aus allen Studienrichtungen der Fakultät Elektrotechnik vertiefend aufgegriffen und aktuelles Wissen auf hohem wissenschaftlichem Niveau vermittelt. Die Absolv...
Elektrotechnik Electrical Engineering HTW Dresden Master Fachhhochschule Studium Messtechnik CAD Automatisierungstechnik
vor 9 Tagen

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